Wendi Ralaingita and Elizabeth Marsden
The term structured pedagogy is broadly defined as a specifically designed, coherent package of investments that work together to improve classroom teaching. While structured pedagogy programs are defined by their variation, the typical structured pedagogy program includes key elements which work together to support quality teaching. Key elements of structured pedagogy programs include:
1) Student books and materials, typically at a 1:1 ratio,
2) Teachers’ guides that provide daily lesson plans for teachers at various levels of specificity,
3) Teacher training organized to reinforce specific skills in teaching the lessons,
4) Ongoing support to teachers implement the structured pedagogy program, typically including coaching and or communities of practice.
Other elements are included in specific structured pedagogy programs, such as assessment results for monitoring program implementation, various technology supports including for teacher coaching, and continuous assessment by teachers.
These how-to guides are truly awesome. Are there plans to have these translated to Portuguese and Spanish in the near future? Thank you!
Thank you for your comment, Ana! We are currently in the process of translating the How-To Guides into Spanish (Latin-America) as well as Kiswahili (Tanzania-Mainland). We expect to have the Spanish translated guides available around June 2023.